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#ww88A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing


Agriculture, forestry and fishing



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pico: Farmer,
micro: Plant clinic
meso: FAO, La Via Campesina, International Land Coalition, International Rice Research Institute
macro: CGIAR


According to the data in GENESYS few developing countries have recorded seed deposits within their borders.

Agriculture open data (World Data Atlas by Knoema)
Water open data (World Data Atlas by Knoema)
Environment open data (World Data Atlas by Knoema)
FAOLEX is a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative database, one of the world's largest electronic collection of national laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources.
Farms and food markets around the world (Pinterest)
The Farmers' Rights Resource Pages for Decision makers and Practitioners (website)
The Plantwise Knowledge Bank is an open-access online tool to help diagnose, track and provide treatment support and management advice on pests and diseases
AQUASTAT (FAO's global information system on water and agriculture, developed by the Land and Water Division (with an emphasis on countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.)
IRRI and CIMMYT provide these diagnostic tools for production problems in the field: Rice Doctor, Maize Doctor and WheatDoctor
Wheat Atlas, by CIMMYT
Congo, Dem. Rep.: Forest Atlas
AGRIPPA (A database of agricultural documents, by FAO)
Crop Calendar for 130 crops and 283 agro-ecological zones in these countries: Algeria Benin Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Congo, Dem. Rep. Congo, Rep. Cote d'Ivoire Djibouti Egypt, Arab. Rep. Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia, the Ghana Guinea Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia (South Sudan) Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe
Food Security Aid Map by Interaction
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
A Conceptual Framework for Progressing towards Sustainability in the Agriculture and Food Sector (July 2010, FAO, ISEAL)
Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems (SAFA) (February 2011, FAO)
Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Committee on World Food Security)
Land tenure - Information resources (at FAO website)
Fisheries tenure - Information resources (at FAO website)
Forestry (governance of tenure) - Information resources (at FAO website)
GapMinder Agriculture
Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (Sept. 2010, The World Bank, FAO, United Nations)
Food Security Aid Map by Interaction
Second SAFA e-Forum (January 23 - February 17, 2012); for supporting documents see tab "Resources"
Feed the Future (US)

الزراعة والحراجة وصيد الأسماك (Arabic)

农业、林业及渔业. (Chinese)

Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei

Agriculture, forestry and fishing (English)

Agricultura, ganadería, silvicultura y pesca (español)

Agriculture, sylviculture et pêche (français)

農林漁業 (Japanese)

Landbouw, bosbouw en visserij (Nederlands)

Сельское хозяйство, лесоводство и рыболовство (Russian)

by janbmgojanbmgo

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